Tuesday, 24 September 2013


I have come up with a storyboard that I would like my music video to follow, but I am aware that I will probably change some of my ideas when it comes to filming and so my storyboard may not be followed 100%.

Verse One:
  • start up with long shot of whole band (either front or back view)
  • close-up of lead singer
  • mid-shot of guitarist
  • close-up of lead singer
  • wide shot of whole band (either front or back view)
  • mid-shot of each band member
Verse Two:
  • mid-shot of drummer
  • close-up of lead singer
  • mid-shot of bassist
  • wide-shot of whole band (either front or back view)
  • close-up of lead singer
  • wide-shot of whole band (either front or back view)
Verse Three:
  • close-up of lead singer
  • wide-shot of whole band (either front or back view)
  • close-up of lead singer
  • wide-shot of whole band (either front or back view)
I feel that if I can stick to this storyboard as much as possible I will be able to keep the watchers interest by using different camera shots and angles and showing each member of the band along with the band as a whole.

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