- Narrative
- Parody
- Performance
A narrative video is based around the lyrics of the song, creating a storyline. They are usually used to promote songs that are featured in films, with scenes from the film cutting into the video. It is a good technique for engaging the audience as they feel like a part of an action or can relate to what is going on in the video.
A narrative video is based around the lyrics of the song, creating a storyline. They are usually used to promote songs that are featured in films, with scenes from the film cutting into the video. It is a good technique for engaging the audience as they feel like a part of an action or can relate to what is going on in the video.
Arctic Monkeys, "When The Sun Goes Down", has a clear storyline which fits with the lyrics of the song and the watcher sympathises for the character.
Another example is Bruno Mars, "It Will Rain". This song was used in the Twilight sound track and some parts of the film are shown through a projector in the video.
Concept videos are based around a single idea which is usually unusual and has nothing to do with the song itself. This draws the audience in as it keeps them entertained and they constantly want to know what is going on in the video. However, sometimes concept videos are combined with either performance or narrative as well to widen the demographic that they can appeal to.
OK Go, "This Too Will Pass", works really well as it based around one idea and the audience is instantly attracted to everything that is going on in the video right until the end. It is based around just one idea and is highly memorable.
Performance videos mainly focus on the artist or band performing on their own or to a crowd. There are three different types of performance video - dance, instrumental and song. They usually include a wide variety of camera shots and angles. The effect this has on the audience is that they feel as though they are there, so it sells the experience to them. Therefore, when the band next has a gig or a tour people will want to buy tickets to see them. It's normally used by rock and indie bands who include lots of fast cutting to fit in with the upbeat tempo.
Mumford & Sons, "I Will Wait" is an example of this. As it is filmed at one of their gigs it will make the watcher feel as though they are there.
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