Saturday, 14 September 2013

Branding of Music Videos and Arctic Monkeys

In order for a music video to become successful it has to be well branded in a number of different ways.
The majority of videos have a two week lead up period to its release. In these two weeks the band or artist will upload stills from the video to social networking sites, enabling them to be spread around globally before the video is even released. 

When it gets closer to the date they will upload 20-30 second snippets from the video to increase interest. 
Promoters will also pay to have their video advertised underneath other artists videos on sites such as YouTube.

Arctic Monkeys are the Britain's biggest band with 638,791 Twitter followers (29/10/13), and lead singer Alex Turner being worth around £14,000,000.
They are branded and advertised in a variety of different ways, all of which help add to their success. 
They are featured heavily in specialist music magazines such as NME and Q, which fit with Arctic Monkeys indie rock genre and will help advertise them to the public.

This year has seen NME release 3 special collectors edition Arctic Monkeys issues, filled with interviews, posters and general information about the band. Having a whole magazine edition about them brands them incredibly well as afterwards people will be more interested in going and watching their videos, buying their new album and getting into their music more.

In July of this year they headlined Glastonbury festival, one of the biggest achievements for any British band or artist. It instantly increased their fan base, meaning more people will watch their videos and be excited for their new releases.

Finally they make use of interviews. They are interviewed by a variety of channels and shows, including BBC Radio One and BBC One Breakfast. The mix of Radio and TV will appeal to different groups of people and therefore broaden their fan base. They have more interviews in the lead up to a new release which builds up the hype already around it, making it even more exciting for old and new fans.

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