Thursday, 24 October 2013

Editing Tests

I've finally been able to upload my footage onto the Apple Mac and decided it would be perfect to do some editing tests on, as I am unfamiliar with editing videos.
My first edit was pretty basic. When watching my footage I liked how the singer involved the audience by throwing his arm out to do, linking with the word "you" in the song. Therefore I thought I would slow this down and see what it looked like. I used the blade to cut down the footage, leaving a small section on either side of the part I wanted. I then used the blade again to cut out the section I wanted. I then went on "Retime" and chose "Slow - 50%". The sound becomes disorientated in this section as is it slower and this is something I'll have to take into consideration when doing my final piece. Overall I think it looks effective and it is definitely something I will consider using in my final piece.

Next I decided to play around with the colours of my video as I used white lights when filming to allow me to do this. First I made a sepia colour on Final Cut Pro by adjusting the global colour, shadows, mid-tones and highlights alongside the saturation and sharpness. I'm not too sure about whether or not I'll use this particular colour in my final piece but I'll definitely test different colours to find which looks best. I'll also sharpen the whole piece as I feel it looks a lot better now.

Below are two screenshots to show the contrast between the original colouring and my edited colouring. It also shows how I adjusted the colour.

My second colour edit involved using a pre-made edit called "50's TV". I feel that the white is too overpowering on this, and so I would edit it slightly and made it a more grey and subtle. As my final piece involves a lot of bright lights I am going to film a white light edit so that I could then use some black and white at certain points as I feel it makes my video look a lot more classic and sophisticated. 

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