Friday, 31 January 2014

Uses and Gratifications Theory

The Uses and Gratifications Theory is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out media to fulfil specific needs. 
In 1948 Harold D Lasswell suggested that media texts had the following four functions for individuals and society:
  • Surveillance
  • Correlation
  • Entertainment
  • Cultural Transmission
His argument was that when media texts were used it was usually to fulfil one of these four functions.
In 1974 Elihu Katz and Jay G Blulmer expanded Lasswell's theory, stating that individuals might choose and use a text for the following purposes:
  • Diversion
  • Personal relationship
  • Personal identity 
I believe that my music video fits the entertainment function, as I want people to enjoy watching my video. I have chosen a young band who are energetic and have a fresh vibe about them, which I believe makes them appealing for an audience to watch. My use of bright colours, fast paced cuts and effects makes it eye-catching and interesting to watch as it draws in and keeps the audience's attention as the cuts and effects prevent it from becoming boring. I chose a genre that is becoming increasingly popular at the moment, and therefore people are more likely to watch it for entertainment due to the genre, as well as the above mentioned. Finally, my talent are real, young, people which, to an extent, gives my video a natural element as it is clear that they are normal people who are enjoying themselves and having a laugh together. I feel this in particular makes it clear my video has been created for entertainment purposes, as it is enjoyable to watch young people enjoying themselves doing what they love.

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