Thursday, 14 November 2013

Editing Inspiration

Now that all my footage is uploaded I need to focus on my editing in order to get my video complete for the deadline. As my song has a fast tempo I need fast pace editing to make my video interesting and effective. As I have already posted before I want split screens, not necessarily into two but into three or four as well. Another idea I have is one that I used in my A Day In The Life Of in which I reversed one the dance sequence so it played backwards.

I really like the effect it has as it was only noticeable that it was reversed at certain points, such as when she flipped her hair to the side.
I researched into it in more detail which led me to Red Hot Chilli Peppers Give It Away as in the solo in the middle the clip is reversed. 

It is very subtle and only noticeable at certain points. It is definitely something that I would like to use in my final piece and so I am going to find a big movement section to reverse as I feel it would add a new dimension to my video and make it more appealing and intriguing to my target audience. 

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