Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Introductory Task

In order to introduce us into the world of filming and using a camcorder we have been set the introductory task of "A day in the life of...".
We each have to film a short 1 minute video of "a day in the life of" an object or person of our choice.
Ideas I have had so far include: 

  • Student 
  • Teacher 
  • Mum 
  • Cat 
  • Dog 
  • Car 
  • Caretaker 
  • Door 
None of these ideas have stood out to me so far but as I own both a cat and a dog I will probably choose to focus my task on one of these as it will be more practical for me.
In order to give me an idea of things to include in my video I searched "A day in the life of...". I decided to focus mainly on dog and cat videos as these are the two ideas I am currently looking at. 
One video that found was "Dog's Diary vs. Cat's Diary" which highlights the vast difference in lifestyle between the two animals.


I also found a picture version so that I can read the parts of the video that I didn't quite understand.

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